The date was June 4, 2021. The place was the Ralston Arena in Omaha, Nebraska. The band was Hairball! The days of canceled events and staying home because of Covid-19 are over!
To say I was excited about this concert would be an understatement. In 2019, I had the chance to take photos at the Hairball concert, and that was my first Hairball experience. Unlike the thousands of other fans that made this concert part of their annual summer routine, 2019 was the first time I got to see Hairball, and I was an instant fan. This group is phenomenal!
This year, before their big Omaha show, through the great connections and reputation of Go Venue Magazine, I was able to interview Hairball bassist, HBK (Brian).
Here are the questions I asked, and his answers.
1. Who is your favorite artist to cover?
HBK: It’s a tough choice, but I’ll say Queen. Every aspect of those songs are great to play and sing!
2. If you could open for one artist or group, who would it be?
HBK: Aerosmith – they might just be the greatest American rock band.
3. What inspired you to become a musician?
HBK: KISS – KISS Alive II to be exact. My uncle gave me and my brother that record, and it changed my life. I put on countless air-guitar concerts in my room to that record.
4. What’s the craziest thing that’s to you happened on the road or at a show?
HBK: Hmmm…probably years ago watching my drummer tip over backwards as the staging slowly vibrated apart and he fell into the hole in the stage!
5. What artists or groups do you listen to that might surprise us?
HBK: Probably people like Prince, Duran Duran, or George Michael – all of course had great songs, great bass parts, and great grooves!
6. How do you decide what groups and songs to cover and perform?
HBK: The show is a highlight reel of arena rock – I think the biggest thing comes down to the visuals. Which performers can you see from 100 feet away and instantly know who they are when they walk out, before ever hearing a note.
7. Where is your favorite city or venue to perform, and why?
HBK: That’s tough. We have some of the best fans I’ve ever seen, and they are everywhere! But I tend to like older, historic venues. The places you walk into and you know the walls can tell you stories of all the great shows that came before. One example would be the Surf Ballroom: the last place that Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens all played the night before they died.
8. What’s the best part about being a member of Hairball?
HBK: Playing for the Hairball fans. It’s that simple. They are THE BEST.
I appreciate beyond words, HBK taking time out from his touring schedule to answer my questions!
Fast forward to June 4, 2021, and I found myself at the Ralston Arena, ready for experience number two with Hairball!
Before Hairball took the stage, fans in attendance were treated to a performance from the opening group, Strange Daze, a rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. After a few technical difficulties with the sound system, the band picked up steam and treated fans to a 35-minute set filled with electric guitars, and powerful vocals. It was a great way to prep fans for what was about to come.
After a brief intermission, Hairball took the stage, and the fans in the arena went ballistic. Opening the show with songs from KISS was a perfect way to set the tone for the rest of the night. Vocalists Dave Moody, Kris Vox, and Joe Dandy, lead fans on an almost 3-hour journey down memory lane, as they played some of the best Rock ‘N Roll music ever created. Joined onstage by HBK (bassist), Happy (lead guitar), and Billy (drums), Hairball’s energy is simply off the charts. It’s literally one monster hit after another with these guys. This year, Hairball concertgoers in Omaha were treated to songs by KISS, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Loverboy, Van Halen, Guns ‘N Roses, Queen, AC/DC, and more!
When they say Hairball is more than a concert, it’s an experience, they aren’t lying! The combination of hit songs, great costumes, pyrotechnics, smoke, lights, and an extremely talented group of musicians, make Hairball a can’t-miss concert for everyone. I’m already looking forward to next year when they come back to Omaha! Hairball ROCKS!