On Wednesday night June 23, 2021, after a fifteen month hiatus due to the pandemic, legendary band Chicago took the stage at the Pinewood Bowl Amphitheater in Lincoln, Nebraska, and they gave fans in attendance their money’s worth!
There wasn’t an opening band, so shortly after 7pm, the members of Chicago made their way to the stage, and the crowd went crazy. Apparently, Chicago wasn’t the only ones happy about touring again! Literally thousands of concertgoers showed up to witness the iconic band and sing along to their favorite Chicago songs. I have always been a Chicago fan, but I wasn’t aware just how many members there were. Original band member Lee Loughnane was awesome on the trumpet, and was accompanied on the horns by Nick Lane (trombone), and Ray Herrmann (saxophone). Keith Howland on guitar and Walfredo Reyes Jr. on drums were amazing! The highlight of the night for me was hearing my favorite Chicago song, “Look Away”. It sounded even more magical in person! Other songs that reminded me of my youth were, “Hard to Say I’m Sorry”, “You’re the Inspiration”, and “25 or 6 to 4”. The entire stage was filled with outstanding talent including Robert Lamm and Lou Pardini on vocals. What surprised me the most was the constant energy on stage. A few of the original band members have been performing for over six decades! Throughout the duration of the show, a huge video wall behind the band showed colorful graphics, old photos, and other short video clips. It was obvious how excited the band was to be performing live again after a fifteen-month break due to Covid 19. Lincoln, Nebraska was the first stop on the tour, and if their other shows are half as good as this one was, fans are in for a treat!