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Sunday March 21, 2021 – The Max – Omaha, NE

Music, lights, acrobatics, theatrics, and sensual performances could only mean one thing.  Norsefyre Presents:  The Burlesque Circus!  I found out about this event at the last minute, and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend.  I have seen other Norsefyre performances, but nothing like the Burlesque Circus.  This was definitely an over-21 show, but besides the occasional tassel-covered breasts or revealing costumes, it wasn’t overly risque.  My favorite performances of the night were the aerial artists, because no matter how many stunts they did, there was always a feeling of danger present.  If you have the chance to catch a Norsefyre performance, make sure you do!  You won’t be disappointed.

The cast for the show included:

Jolene the Fire Queen


Kandi Korn

Aly Cat

Carly Cat

Eddie Dream


Johnny Poptarts


Miss Velvet Moon

Lady Phoenix

Sasha D’light